Top-tier leaders in any industry, including those recognized in our 2023 Top 100 Most Influential People, understand the importance of helping others rise — a trait of increasing importance in today’s competitive talent market. These leaders stand at the forefront of supporting and encouraging the growth and achievement of the next generation.
Addressing the Widely Discussed Pipeline Issue
Several members amongst our Top 100 Most Influential People inject positivity into their proposals for enhancing the well-discussed pipeline issue. Their belief centres around promoting the ample opportunities available within the profession and dismantling antiquated, negative ideas about extended hours and mundane compliance work. Many from our Top 100 express the need for accounting to develop better storytellers to effectively convey the myriad of possibilities that lie within the profession.
The Current Thought Leaders and Change Agents
At present, those from our list of Top 100 Most Influential People are leading the charge as necessary storytellers. They are propelling the profession during this era of unprecedented change.
Deciding the Top 100
As per any year, it’s challenging to confine the list to only 100. We, therefore, prioritized those who have demonstrated influence in the past six months and are anticipated to maintain this influential status in the forthcoming six. Despite this, we acknowledge the list may not be entirely inclusive.
The 2023 Top 100 Most Influential: A source of inspiration
Regardless of these constraints, we are confident that the 2023 Top 100 Most Influential People in accounting inspire confidence in the future of the profession.
Further details regarding this year’s class can be found below. We also invite you to peruse the full report here and gain insights into who the Most Influential think are the most influential in our field.