Self-Managed Super Funds

Here at AHF Group, we’re not your typical money wizards; think of us as your SMSF friends or pals, ready to tackle the money game together. What if making sense of your SMSF was as simple as sharing a piece of cake with a friend? We think it totally can be.
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What We Offer

Found yourself scratching your head over your Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) again and thinking, “How can this be as easy as baking a cake?”

Well, guess what? You’re not alone! At AHF Group, we’re here to ask: What if sorting out your SMSF was more like a friendly chat than a tricky puzzle?

SMSF Setup Made Easy

Thinking of setting up your super fund? We’ll take you through the process, helping you understand the ins and outs of creating and managing your SMSF.

Investment Support

Our team can help you navigate the options, explaining things in simple terms. Whether it’s property, shares, or other investments, we’re here to make sure your SMSF works for you.

Compliance and Regulation

Worried about keeping up with super rules? We’ve got your back. AHF Group keeps a close eye on regulations so you can relax, knowing your SMSF is compliant. No stress, just peace of mind.

Accounting Simplified

Numbers can be confusing, but not with us. Our accounting services for SMSFs are designed to be easy to understand. We’ll take care of the financial details, leaving you with a clear picture of your super’s health.

Set Up Your Own Superfund

Through setting up your own fund, you can, purchase Properties, Invest in Shares and Managed Funds, freely invest in various income generating opportunities, save on Premium and Fees

AH Financial Group can help and guide you through setting up your Self-Managed Superfund. Steps of SMSF set-up:

Timeframe: To set up your SMSF, it will approximately take 4-9 weeks after establishing your Fund

Book a consultation today and ensure you’re getting the maximum refund!

SMSF Tax Return

Preparation of annual Profit and Loss account statement, Balance Sheet, Member statement, Income Tax Return,Trustee Resolution and Minutes​ and more

Book a consultation today and ensure you’re getting the maximum refund!

Secure Your Future with Expert Super Fund Management

Book a consultation with us today and discover how you can enhance your retirement strategy with personalized, professional guidance. Secure your financial future by taking proactive steps with your super fund management.

Friendly Guidance

With us, you can expect an easy explanation and no complex words or financial jargon used. Our team will take you through the process easily and maintain a really friendly environment.

Tailored Support

Your SMSF is unique, and so is our support. We listen to your ideas and fit our services to cater exactly to your needs.

No Hidden Fees

Transparent and straightforward – that’s how we operate. No surprises, just honest and fair pricing for the services you need.

Your Financial Ally

We are not a service provider, think of us as your financial friend. We’ll help you build and manage a secure and comfortable future.